Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Develop Self Confidence

How to Develop Self Confidence By andre7514, eHow Member boosting self confidence. User-Submitted Article Do you wanna develop more confidence? Do you wanna be comfortable with life and people? Read this article for great tips on how to be confident and become a pro at confidence. Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions Things You'll Need: †¢New Clothes †¢Haircut †¢Smile 1. 1 increasing self confidence everyday! Being able to become self confident can take you many places. Learn to fake a smile every time you are around people, even if you don't feel you need to. This will show people that you interested and a friendly person. . 2 wearing clothes. Keep yourself looking good, whether its making your hair look good, buying a new outfit, getting new shoes, or etc. 3. 3 build self confidence. Always, look straight ahead and do not look down, don't look around feeling self conscious of what everyone thinks. Think positive thoughts about yourself. 4. 4 confidence and self e steem. Pretend that you know the people that you meet. You can fake it until you make it! Give the impression that you are very social and love to meet people. Give the impression to people that you are a great person to be around, wherever you go.Get out there and show people how great and confident you are! www. lumosity. com Ads by Google Tips ; Warnings †¢Learn to fake a smile daily. †¢Always keep your image beautiful and updated. †¢Always look straight and think positive thoughts. Read more: How to Develop Self Confidence | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/how_2254894_develop-self-confidence. html#ixzz16t1v2O14 How to Increase Self Confidence By cobrakai, eHow Member User-Submitted Article Self confidence is vital to be successful in a relationship, the workplace and really life in general.There's no exact way to measure self confidence, but there are proven ways to increase self confidence. Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions 1. 1 Change or remove the negati ve components that surround your life. Don't let others bog down your life and keep you from reaching the success you have in front of you. Recon negative environmental factors in your life that influence how you feel about yourself. Sometimes this will mean shedding bad friends from your life or even making a whole new change in your social circle. 2. 2 My next step or tool for you to become confident is to change â€Å"what you can. Looks are not as important to mature adults as many think, but what we do with our looks does matter. You may never have the celebrity looks, but you can make the best with what you were given. Go to the gym, or run, or do yoga. Anything that will make you feel better about yourself and your body. Don't complain that you have no boyfriend/girlfriend yet you're overweight or spend no time taking care of yourself. Don't do it for anyone else, do it for yourself. Self confidence will only go up if you can look in the mirror and know you're giving it your all. 3. 3 Quit procrastinating in your life.Well what does procrastination have to do with someone being becoming confident you might ask? You can't build a high state of confidence if you're stressed out because you waited to the last minute to do a college essay or pay the electric bill. There's so many examples I could point out, but the less you leave till the last minute, the more you have time for the fun stuff in life. Stress is a confidence killer. 4. 4 Buy something that makes you feel hot about yourself. You know that feeling you get when you have on a nice shirt, some nice jeans or ladies a really nice outfit that just makes you feel sexy about yourself?You wear that outfit to work, or school or with that special someone, you just feel and do better that day. That is easy self confidence. There's no need to go change your wardrobe and only buy really expensive clothes, but everyone should have one outfit that they can put on to give themselves a little extra pep in their step. 5. 5 Remember that you like yourself and you're always looking for ways to improve yourself. When I stumbled upon self compliments, I turned a new page in my quest to become a more confident person. Every day tell yourself that you like yourself or that you are a great person 10 times.EVERY DAY. It'll become habit after awhile and it'll become cemented in your sub-conscious and your self confidence will multiply by leaps and bounds. You have to like yourself first and foremost before you can care how anyone else feels about you. Just simply look at the amount of celebrities who have all the fame and money, but yet run their lives into the ground with drugs or alcohol because they dislike themselves. 6. 6 Forgive yourself and others. I had to let go of a lot of bad feelings I had about what I'd done/not done in my past and how others treated me in my past.You can't change the past and it'll only keep your progress limited if you keep harboring bad feelings. Forgive yourself an d others. Let yourself find peace and you'll make room for more self confidence in your life. Develop Confidencewww. instant-confidence. com 4 scientifically proven techniques to give you confidence and power How to Do Meditation? www. SilvaLifeSystem. com Easily Learn How to Meditate Download Free Meditation Audio Brain Testâ„ ¢www. lumosity. com Developed by Neuroscientists Improve Memory and Attention Communication Skillswww. 8ack. com Director & Executive Level – Presentation Skill Training – Dubai Ads by Google

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family on Government and vice versa Essay

As far as the government’s functions go, it is the unit of the family that is able to gain the most benefits. I view the family as the most basic and the most unprotected aspect of society. It is the government’s ability to provide regulations, guidelines, and protection that the family is able to continue its development. It might be raised at this point that the individual should be considered the most unprotected unit of society. However, I persist in believing that it is the family. The individual can still become a member of larger societal units. In fact, the individual can even go so far as to become a member of government. It is because of this fact that the collection of individuals called the family is the most in need of the services offered by the government that presides over it. However, there are forms of government wherein it is the family that comprises it. In oligarchies and monarchies, for example, the royal family comprises the governmental unit. It is in these cases that the interaction is reduced to one of family with family, of ruling class family with non-ruling class family, of bourgeois family with lower class family. This can also be likened to the type of interaction described to exist between the family and the society to which it belongs. In other ways, the family is also able to affect the government. Because the family forms the entirety of society and because it is able to mirror the mechanisms of society, it is also able to mirror and spread the mechanisms of government. The family is in charge of the education of the younger generation with regards to the powers of the government, the need to follow the impositions of the government, and also the specific laws and regulations set forth by the constitution. The task of propagating the ethics and morals of a good citizen that obeys the government lie on the shoulders of the members of the family. The concepts of restriction of behavior, meting punishments for unacceptable actions, and of obeying authority figures are also first understood by the child in the confines of the family. (Hegel, 2001) Society on Government and vice versa The government is said to be the regulating institution of society. It represents the majority of the population and provides frameworks as well as maintains peace and order. However, as I have stipulated, I believe that the inherent state in nature is peace and not war. Why then would a government be needed to maintain peace and order between its constituents and even with other governments? The state of war is not inherent in nature. However, it is also very much present in observable society. Why is this so? I believe that war stems from the inability of society to meet the needs of its members. This is in accordance with the propositions of Habermas (1998). Because of the society’s inability to completely meet the needs of its members, there is unrest and turmoil. War and violent conflict arise from these feelings of dissatisfaction. It is only through a strong power of the will that dissatisfaction is allowed to exist in an individual’s consciousness. I believe that the ineffective structuring of society creates feelings of unrest and dissatisfaction. When those with more are given more and those with less are asked for more, society is placed at an imbalance. This imbalance is unnatural. It is not the natural order of things. There is disequilibrium in society and as a result, there are individuals who are abused and unsatisfied. Again, this is also in accordance with the views of Marx and Engel (1978) regarding ruling class and non-ruling class. There is no chance for equilibrium or stability to be attained because as Marx and Engel (1978) stated, the ruling class practices hegemony. They use their ideologies to maintain power over the lower class. It is only with active revolt from the lower class that the structure of society can be changed. Thus war becomes an option to those whose dissatisfaction has become so great that they can no longer live with it. Without the government, these feelings of dissatisfaction would reign across the world. There would, indeed, be numerous states of war across the globe. Peace would be hard to find and individuals would find it impossible to achieve their true personal goals in life. A government is needed in order to regulate the interaction of the ruling class and the non-ruling class. Without the government, society would be in a constant flux of change and revolt. It is the institution of the government that allows society to remain its peace and as such to progress. However, it may well be the case that the government is simply a tool of the ruling class to maintain power, a means to their option of hegemony. This is exactly why even though there are governments in place today, wars still occur. There is still a disequilibrium in the social structure. Also, the government is not representative of the majority. This is a fact stressed by Kant (1983) to be of the utmost importance in considering government models and systems utilized in a given state. There is, therefore, a type of government that will best serve the purposes of society and the individual. Although there are numerous forms of government, not all are adaptive to society and its members. The mode of government is a point of greater consideration than the type of sovereignty afforded. (Kant, 1983) Society, however, plays a greater role in government. It is more than just a place wherein the functions of government can be practiced. In fact, it is my belief that society and government act in much the same way that the President and the House of Congress act in a Republic government. That is that society and government act as checks and balances of each other. Although it is true that there is no clear definition of legal power that society has on a particular government – in the way that government has on society – it is also true that the dominant form of politics in a state are defined by society. Because most governments rely on society’s good will towards it, society is able to check and balance the processes of the government. In modes of government involving votation, society dictates the candidates to be deemed more capable and reliable to place in position. This is done through the ideologies espoused by society. Thus two different political parties can be chosen from but the thrust of the resulting government will be based on the value systems established by society on its members. For modes of government, on the other, hand that do not include an electoral system, society is able to operate as a larger checks and balances system. Because monarchies and oligarchies and other similar forms of government give the ruler the right to decree laws and statutes by himself, society plays a crucial role. Social agreement or social rejection may be the only difference between a ruler’s decree of implementing the death penalty, for example, as a punishment to a severe crime. Thus we see that society plays a large role in defining government actions even in these individualistic or familial forms of governance. On this point, however, the revision and reconsideration of laws in systems with electoral systems and with more formal methods of passing laws is also highly dependent on society’s moral and ethical stand. The three-strike law for example, wherein criminals convicted of a crime three times receive a heavier sentence or a longer imprisonment period, was not revised because the constituents of the State of California did not agree to the provision that only severe crimes would be subject to this law.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysing Descartes Meditation On First Philosophy Philosophy Essay

Analysing Descartes Meditation On First Philosophy Philosophy Essay Renà © Descartes, in his work of Meditation on First Philosophy, sets the foundation for modern philosophy. Through the distinct style of writing in first person narrative, Descartes introduces radical skepticisms, proves the existence of God, distinguishes the soul from the body, and establishes levels of certainty in knowing the material world. With the Meditations intending to be a guide to exercising intellectual understanding and practice, there is a strong connection between the literary form and philosophical content, as one supplements the other. The use of meditation and narrative is especially important in delivering and emphasizing Descartes’ arguments on first philosophy because it offers an epistemological journey for the reader to undertake and experience along with the narrator. Meditation is an introspective process that involves the mind turning back in and upon itself, withdrawing from the material world and focusing attention inward. Traditionally, works o f meditation are meant to be guides for spiritual exercises, especially in the Christian religion, and not for intellectual or philosophical purposes. However, Descartes departs from this tradition and employs meditation as a way to detach the minds from external influences, to think and analyze philosophy from the original foundations. This is emphasized in the preface to the reader, where Descartes writes â€Å"I do not advise anyone to read these things except those who have both ability and the desire to meditate seriously with me, and to withdraw their minds from the senses as well as from all prejudices† (52). This leads into Meditation One, with the introduction of method of doubt to free the mind and demolish deception. As well, meditation is aimed to achieve self-transformation, and this is demonstrated throughout work as Descartes transforms the readers’ ways of thinking and understanding. Descartes uses first person narrative to engage and relate to the read ers. As the narrator and guide, Descartes is the embodiment of the general audience, sharing many of the same characteristics and motivations as the readers. For instance, the readers can easily identify with events such as dreaming and questions such as the existence of God. With this, Descartes can take on the challenge of demonstrating how the process of self-transformation in thinking and understanding unfolds through his own experiences. He writes, â€Å"I will first of all narrate in the Meditations the very thoughts by means of which I seem to have arrived at a certain and evident knowledge of the truth† with the intention that â€Å"the same arguments that persuaded me can be useful in persuading others† (52). Therefore, the readers, when reading the Meditations, will be able to experience a similar psychological and epistemological journey in understanding first philosophy. The Meditation begins with the introduction of the method of doubt in Meditation One. R ealizing many of his former opinions are falsehoods, and how subsequent opinions are built upon them, Descartes notes the need to doubt the truth of everything, and â€Å"raze everything to the ground and began again from the original foundations, if I wanted to establish anything firm and lasting in the sciences† (59). This architectural metaphor of razing and establishing serves to introduce Descartes’ purpose in building a firm groundwork for rational scientific inquiry and modern philosophy that cannot be further doubted. Since it is not practical to show all opinions are false individually, it is sufficient to â€Å"attack straightaway those principles which supported everything,† â€Å"because undermining the foundation will cause whatever has been built upon them to crumble of its own accord† (60). And Descartes does this through three levels of doubt: perception, dreaming, and God’s deceive.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Exam Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exam - Case Study Example From this belief, they are able to cope with their social identity as perceived by other people. On the other hand, people with discreditable stigma assume that they stigma is not known and cannot be directly identified (Shana & Collete 63). They are able to protect their stigma from their normal social identity. This allows them to decrease their stigma. The self-fulfilling prophecy enable people with different behavior create their preferred societal perception. Enacting the prophecy and responding to societal influence enables people with different behavior to increase a normal society perception on them (Leflot, Onghena & Colpin 390) People with physical disabilities are able to see that they are different and not normal as compared to other people. Cox is of the assumption that this perception develops a negative self-concept (430). The individual view themselves as less effective and social fit. Learning process as directly linked with the abilities of a person to child to fit in a specific environment. For instance, a child with autism may be placed in a different classroom environment from normal children (Keller 98). In addition, a person from a poor background may not be enrolled in educational institutions that provide top quality learning experiences. A self-advocacy framework may improve the abilities of people with disabilities to become significant members of the society. Through the framework, people with disabilities should be provided with self-knowledge abilities, knowledge of rights, communication and leadership skills (Marsh & Martin 60). This skills increase the effectiveness of people with disabilities to take part in professional practices. Fatness should not be perceived as a disability. In an argument by Keller being overweight cannot be perceived as a disability since it may be caused by a lifestyle that can be avoided (56). In addition, most cases of disabilities like autism require special medical attention and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Do you believe it is fair or reasonable that snapshot photos of famous Essay

Do you believe it is fair or reasonable that snapshot photos of famous or well-known people taken for personal reasons become open to public scrutiny - Essay Example The other approach towards accomplishing this is through the establishment of a establishing a monitoring system aimed at solely monitoring for legitimate and stated personal-related reasons. For this reason, the monitoring policy will have to be to be given sufficient support of their respective users with the intent of monitor, as well as the reason for the same. This will also include a form of monitoring to be used. Good monitoring approach will have to address computer, Internet, and e-mail use with the sole purpose of eliminating any possible mishaps where the privately meant pictures remain confidential. The state privacy laws keep varying hence the need to keep consulting with relevant attorneys with sufficient experience in employment law while a company is drafting electronic communication monitoring and usage policies. Even as it remains critical that the individual’s right to privacy for personal pictures do not negatively affect the public image and loyalty. Furth er, rigid policies for personal application of communication platforms translate into sustainable relationships. Concerns exist in determining the professionalism of social media handlers. It is because posted content today could alter the public views to such degrees that they are not recognizable. Legislators in United Kingdom suggest that such online platforms should be held liable in preventing users from being in a position of to posting anonymously (Vermaat 34). It is aimed at effectively tracking down the issue. Ethical issues at the technology keep arising with regards to gathering information, disclosing, assessing its accuracy, and correcting it including the issues that are related to the substance of the information by itself. The simple knowledge that an individual is entitled to personal pictures will generate an understanding that one feels overly

Classical Period and Romantic Period Research Paper

Classical Period and Romantic Period - Research Paper Example When we talk about classical music it is important to know that the term is applicable to music that was composed in a particular style from the 1740s to 1820. The composition of music during these years comprised of a distinct sense of proportion. Initially it was somewhat difficult for listeners to derive pleasure and enjoyment from, however after a certain time the music began to dominate their music preferences. Initially the perception modern listeners have of the classical era is that it was either too serious or plain music; however to the listeners in that era, the music was unique and very different from that of the Baroque era. The key distinction between classical era and that of the Baroque era was that the classical music had more variety when it came to divergent rhythms throughout a piece. Melodies which were introduced in the classical era were a lot more balanced, easier to sing and to remember. It was in this era that numerous nursery songs were written. It was in t he classical era that the social function of music started to evolve from that of its prior aristocratic and religious affiliations towards the public and secular sphere with its middle class connections. The gradual increase in public concerts, the growth of commercial opera houses, the increase of publishing of music, and the increase in the number of musical pieces that were composed as well as played were all implications of the change in musical times. Form was of critical importance to the composers of the classical era, and this period had a lasting effect as far as form is concerned, especially when it came to the various instrumental music forms. Previously composers had already begun to pay special attention to the various musical instruments and their capabilities. Hence the move to writing not just solo music for one specific instrument, but focusing on music which had mixed ensembles with a variety of instruments. The modern orchestra was of key importance here. It was in the classical era that the common instruments like the toccata, concerto grosso, and fugue became replaced by forms which had matured as a result of the classical period. This is where the roots of the sonata, concerto and symphony can be traced. Even though each of these forms had significant precursors prior to the classical era, but it is this version of the form that came to become the most influential through the course of the other following eras, the romantic and modern era, and even today it is still highly recognized by a multitude of art music audience and performers (Jones, 2006). Among the many kinds of music of this period, the classical era is well known for symphonies, which is a type of a large orchestral ensemble. These pieces of symphonies primarily had three movements; the first of these was the sonata, followed by the minuet, and the finale. Taking inspirations from earlier composers, Haydn and Mozart took symphonies to their peak in the late 18th century. Whi le Haydn concentrated on achieving rhythmic excellence and the composition of theme based music Mozart contributed to the symphonies by a contrast of memorable lyric themes which made use of a full sounding orchestral settings (Roger, 2008). To cater to the middle-class, classic composers came up with a ton on new chamber music which made use of a magnitude of combinations. The piano sonata became one of the important forms of chamber music. This was mainly after the refinement it received at the hands of composers like Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. The string quartet played an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Campaign Speech analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Campaign Speech analysis - Essay Example Mitt Romney’s speech seemed more attacking than it was acclaiming or defensive, with indirect barbs thrown at incumbent president Barrack Obama (Julian et al, 2012). This was especially notable when he claimed, â€Å"America’s problems can only be solved by an American† (Romney, 2012), re-igniting the â€Å"birther issue†. He also feigned support for Obama, claiming that he wishes â€Å"Obama had succeeded† with his mission and plan of making America a better place, but that he had failed. The speech, in general, relied more on opinion than the fact, as is common with acceptance speeches, which in normal circumstances are sparse on detail. Mitt Romney also took an aggressive stance toward the incumbent via depicting him as a president who made, â€Å"big promises that failed to deliver on what the American people needed the most† (Romney, 2012). Romney was referring to job creation and political healing. He also compared Obama to President Ca rter to complete his caricature of President Obama as, â€Å"Someone who refuses to make tough decisions and lacks any viable plan to strengthen the country. Mitt Romney set out to accomplish three main goals in his speech: introduce the real Romney to the nation; explain why he is better suited to leading than president Obama. In addition, outline his vision for the next four years as president (Julian et al, 2012). He made some progress on all fronts via a solid but unexceptional speech. He opened up about his religious life, as well as his family life, attempting to throw more light on himself as much more than a heartless capitalist, offering himself as a problem solver. All the hype before his speech had been about the need for a president who would take hard choices. Mitt Romney, in his speech, presented himself as the man to take up this challenge. The biggest weakness that could be attached to Mitt Romney’s speech was the fact that he offered a vague picture of his vision for America in the next four years, which

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Several Definitions of Feminism Essay

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Several Definitions of Feminism - Essay Example Besides, feminism concept is also referred to equal opportunities for women in a society in terms of education, property, and employment among others2. In this regard, Cott (1986) signified that the feminist movements have assisted in providing equal rights as well as justice, within modern society and determining differences in terms of expediency. In this context, feminist movements have aided in building a different cultural order based on certain logic and tradition3. Highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of several definitions of feminism as described by the authors, feminism concepts can be recognized to have assisted women to understand their rights in a society better. On the contrary, several definitions of feminism initiated more negative arguments among the male members regarding women rights in a society, which can be considered as a weakness of the feminist movements. In this context, it can be identified that feminist movements have initiated a privilege for the women to maintain gender equality with male members in the modern civilization. Apart from this, feminist ideologies implied that the dominancy of the female members in a society should have gender equality, whereby feminist theories have assisted female members to attain the desired societal and professional identity4. Similarly, the feminist concept has introduced several legal bindings in the society in order to ensure the women’s rights in terms of property, voting and marriage among others. Moreover, feminist ideologies have offered reproductive rights to the women including the right of abortion and contraceptive., Simultaneously, feminist ideologies have ensured protection towards women concerning matters of violence and sexual harassment, benefitting female members of the society quite impressively.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Criminal Investigations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Criminal Investigations - Essay Example earance before judges and a preliminary hearing, and this is to observe if there is some probable cause to believe the said crime is committed by the defendant. Other procedures involve the case being submitted to the grand jury. After arraignment, there may be the occurrence of hearings. The other procedure is the settlement or rather the plea docket. In addition, there are the pre-trial motions not yet addressed, in which case it may include the motion to suppress the evidence. A criminal trial contains several phase. The first phase is the jury selection. This is where there is gathering of a pool of potential jurors and asked several questions. Second phase is the opening testament, in which case each side presents some overview of the case. Third phase is the witness testimony. This is the phase that each side calls for a witness to be asked some questions about the case. Fourth phase is the closing testimony, in which case the prosecution and the defense make short summarizing statements. Next phase is jury instruction, and this is where the judges address the jurors by explaining the crime the defendant was judged and the application of the legal standards. The last phase is the verdict. This is the defendant is found to be guilty or not (Scheb & Scheb,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Leaving home Essay Example for Free

Leaving home Essay Note: I think u should define the authors definition of obligation and loyalty in the introduction or ur understanding of their definitions in terms of ur thesis cuz sometimes its hard to understand the difference b/w the two..and that shouldnt really happen cuz that is the focus of ur essay Red: corrections (make sure u read the sentence wit read stuff cuz the whole sentence had to change sometimes) Blue: comments Yellow highlight: erase those things (not needed) Leaving home is a difficult choice for any individual to make. A decision of this caliber contains conditions of no obligation, enforced obligation, and obligation in conflict with loyalty. Under these circumstances, a citizens loyalty to his/her country ceases to make sense, which is supported by Shklars article, Obligation, loyalty, exile. Judith Shklar, in her essay has evidently analyzed the argument of obligation, loyalty and exile, in regards to emigration. Though there are many unconditional matters to be questioned, the focus of this essay will be on the in my interest to structure (structure of wat, exile?) and define the chosen reasons for exile argued in Shklars article. In ordinary talk the two words loyalty and obligation are generally used interchangeably as if they were identical, but it is Shklars argument that it is important not only to keep them apart but to go on to make clear the distinctions between obligation, commitment, loyalty, allegiance, and fidelity. (Shklar, 182) This essay will support her argument and show how both obligation and loyalty are both principle elements that force a person to exile. Obligation is defined as rule governed conducts and political obligation specifically refers to laws and law-like demands, made by public agencies. (Shklar, 183) When thinking of obligation, one may connect it with loyalty. Many individuals come to the conclusion that obligation exists where there is loyalty, but another view argued by Shklar argues is that it is more rational to keep them separate. Through her extreme examples of exiles such as limiting case, Shklars arguments are adequate and evident. (I dont think u need this sentence, if u want it there, it needs to be reworded-try to maintain one tense-usually present tense) It is an individual right to feel protected by his or her own country, a right for a sense of belonging, and, most importantly, mainly a the right to be protected. With regards to obligation and exile, it is common practice to one would question the importance of justice. Injustice not only cancels obligations and undermines loyalties, however resilient the latter may seem; it also engenders the conflict between obligation and the effective ties that bind us. (Shklar, 197) Hence, if this statement is true,(dont say this ur trying to prove ur thesis, by saying if, ur argument weakens-ur arguments have to be strong) it is reasonable to conclude that justice arises with the presence of both obligation and loyalty. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain justice due to the rise in swindle, cheating, and lying in government strategy. Betrayal to state and irrational obligation has become another reason why an individual would exile from his or her country. (this sentence doesnt really flow with the essay at this point, but maybe if u reword it, itl work-but seems like its another agrument in itself) Enforcement of law, where forced obligation becomes unbearable, may also lead an individual to exile. The author portrayed this reason of exile through an example of a French army man, Traifis. Traifis was accused of passing secrets to Germans and was convicted and charged accordingly. Through all of this, he still became loyal to obey (wrong word-wat r u trying to say?-protect?) his country, though in reality he was betrayed by his own state. The author finds it difficult to understanding how one could still be loyal to a country without feeling obligated. (this needs to be explained more-the definitions of the 2 cuz its hard to understand the difference at this point, or how they do/dont relate to eachother) His obligation ceased, and he signed up with the army again; this shows that his loyalty is greater than the feeling of obligation. This is a case which Shklar would describe as crazy. (dont need this sentence) It is important to note how Shklar stresses that obligation is a reasoned answer. If one cannot come up with a reasoned answer as to why he or she should obey, then there is no place for obligation to exist. (this is good to put in ur intro to describe the meaning of obligation in the eyes of the authorif not, put it in the beginning of this argument, itll help the reader understand ur argument better) An important point to note is that those who leave home do not necessarily disobey the state, but rather the state has disobeyed them. As ones right to feel safe is taken away, the insecurity drives the citizen away from his or her own land. Shklar uses more specific and extreme cases to strengthen her argument that it is the degree of injustice and cruelty that many ordinary people have been through in the past, and unfortunately many more are victims of same examples today. (u need a more strong concluding sentence and I think u should only uses this lsat point if u give an actual example from the article-if its just a point within her essay, dont say its a specific extreme case-maybe say that she is strong to point out that..) Government conduct is only one of the driving factors of exile, for emotional attachment plays a large part in an individuals actions as well. (this is to tie in the two arguments together, as for the beginning of the sentence, thats wat I understood of the first argument, if its wrong, then change it.jus wanted to give u a idea for a concluding sentence) The emotional attachment to loyalty varies that from obligation. Sklar points out that [t]he emotional character of loyalty also sets it apart from obligation. If obligation is rule driven, loyalty is motivated by the entire personality of an agent. Political loyalty is evoked by nations, ethnic groups, churches, parties, and by doctraines, causes, ideologies, or faiths that form and identify associations. (Shklar, 184). Thus, loyalty is deeply affective and not primarily rational. (Shklar, 184) These are all characters that enhance a persons beliefs and values, and are very essential to ones personality, and, most importantly, affect the persons judgment regarding loyalty. The above mentioned characteristics also give the individual a sense of identity (if this is a quote from the article, it needs to be referenced). As the author argues, political loyalty may survive, but not obligation to obey the law. That is why I assumed that exiles have no obligation to the country that expels them illegally and unconstitutionally, demonstrating how loyalty exceeds obligation. (Shklar, 190) If the state refuses to oblige to citizens responsibility, then in return the citizen is not obligated'(dont use quotes-maybe italisize or bold for affect-only try to use quotes for direct ones, otherwise it gets confusing) to obey its state. The tension of loyalty arises as the terms nationalism, betrayal, fear of its own state, and most importantly exile, are questioned. The physical and emotional abuse of state being the push factor of your exile, makes ones belonging to his/her own country meaningless, and makes the other side (wat is the other side?) seem more prominent. If one is loyal to a country, one may choose to stay, though on the other hand, obligation would not last as long as loyalty. Though it may seem easier to exile (maybe u should use flee the country or something, exile doesnt seem to fit) without feeling obligated to his or her state, but the choice is still difficult to make. When loyalty is questioned, one becomes very pessimistic of his or her own conclusions, as loyalty is a feeling that is not reasoned, but is not irrational. Leaving home is not an easy choice for any individual to make, this point has been now stated several times in this essay and has a stronger meaning than one may think. (I dont think u need this sentence to start of this paragraph) Leaving home can be described by the word exile, which can be defined as: someone who involuntarily leaves the country of which he or she is a citizen. (Shklar, 187). Exile can be caused by poverty, fear, war, betrayal of politics and/or injustice. All these elements in ones mind can be judged by the religion of obligation and loyalty. Suffering the threat of exile can sometimes be worse than a soldier taking off to fight in war. My parents also faced a great obstacle which lead them to face the fear of exile. The life story of my parents that has taken place from country to country, Pakistan to Norway, and Norway to Canada. At a young age, my parents moved from Pakistan to Norway in hope for a bright future. Though they were both loyal to their home country, they felt no obligation to stay and change its unstable political state. My mother joined my father after he had established a business and home, and as years passed they both became good citizens of Norway, and my mother joined the government working for the immigration department. Aside from their own professions, they were both journalists working for their own small community in the city of Oslo. As they worked closer with the state, the feeling of belonging became more uncomfortable. This was a kind of state which did not appreciate your religion and/or culture. Hence, Norway can be described as a very nationalist country. At the age of seven, I was sent to live with my aunt in Pakistan to start school there. It was not the knowledge of math or science that was better, but the knowledge of my religion and culture that was very important to my family. Living in a Caucasian (another word for white) society, my parents were scared that I would not be able to interact with the people that surrounded me due to the difference in our religious and cultural beliefs. As the separation (separation from wat?) was starting to become difficult, my parents were forced to search for another solution. As a child, I cannot recall finding it very difficult to fit it (use another word for fit in-its too casual), but as years passed, I realized the ugly truth of being an outcast, and started noticing little incidents where I was treated different then the rest of the group. My parents had always known this reality, but chose to stay silent, thinking it may be ignored. It became more visible when my teacher started behaving different. I was a good student, and when my participation was greater than the rest of the group, I was simply asked to leave the class. As I left, I left with great pain and humiliation. My parents were well settled with a prosperous business and a good life within our home, though the outside reality of life was very constrained. Though they were fortunate in wealth, they were less fortunate in freedom of expressing their own identity. The struggle to seeking an ethnological society led to a search for a better land, where freedom to be oneself was considered as an important right. This is how I ended up in POL81A at the University of Toronto. My parents packed up everything they had worked hard for over the last twenty-four years and migrated to Canada. Being able to attend Friday prayers at mosque or celebrate Eid with joy or simple things like being able to say I am Muslim, were characteristics that mattered the most for my family. Being able to live in an environment of tolerance, acceptance and multiculturalism is like living in peace after war. It is important to note that my parents always obeyed the state, but they lost their loyalty as they lost their identity. The restricted conditions which forced my family to hide their identity, forced us to exile into a strange country, but in hope for a promised land. Politics has formed its behavior into a universal religion, where its faith depends on loyalty and obligation. Comments: ur last argument was very well written.and made up very well might I add 🙂 neways, I hope my comments help, cuz sometimes I really didnt no how to change some if without really knowing wat the article was about. Good luck!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflective Account: Ethical Dilemma Treating Cancer

Reflective Account: Ethical Dilemma Treating Cancer This reflective account will discuss an ethical dilemma which arose during a placement within a community setting. To assist the reflection process, the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle which encompasses 6 stages; description, thoughts and feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan will be used which will improve and strengthen my nursing skills by continuously learning from both good and bad experiences, and develop my self confidence in relation to caring for others (Siviter 2008). To comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct (NMC) (2008) and maintain confidentiality all names have been changed and therefore for the purpose of this reflection the patient will be referred to as Bob. Bob is a forty four year old man who has been receiving aggressive and invasive treatment for several months in the form of chemotherapy in an attempt to cure his Hodgkinsons lymphoma cancer. Throughout the treatment Bob remained positive that he would be able to put the worries behind him and live a normal life with his partner and teenage daughter. However, Bob was unable to control his body temperature, which was a possible sign the chemotherapy had not been successful and was offered further investigations to establish his prognosis. Whilst my mentor who is a Community Matron, was talking to Bob, his partner Sue took me to one side and asked me if the investigations revealed bad news would it be possible to withhold this information from Bob because she felt he would not be able to deal with a poor prognosis and would give up hope. Prior to Bobs original admission the possibility of f the chemotherapy failing was discussed but he refused to consider this was an option and was convinced the condition could be treated successfully. I explained to Sue that this situation was outside of my area of expertise but with her permission would discuss it with my mentor and ask her to contact Sue at a mutually convenient time to discuss further. My mentor contacted Sue and advised her that she would discuss the situation with Bobs Consultant once they had received the results of his tests. However, my mentor diplomatically informed Sue that she has no legal right to insist that information be kept from Robert (Dimond 2005). As expected Bobs test results concluded the chemotherapy treatment was unsuccessful. Considering what he knew of Bob, the consultant agreed it would be advantageous to withhold the diagnosis from him. Therefore it was agreed to discuss Bobs test results with his partner. Thoughts and feelings In the first instance I felt that the Consultant was ethically wrong to withhold the results of the investigations from Bob and not necessarily acting in his best interests. I felt that in order to ensure Bobs rights were protected and to give him the opportunity to be involved in his own plan of care he should be informed of the outcome of the tests. Bob had the capacity to consent and as during my placement would be acting as an advocate for him. I felt that if I was in Bobs position, I would want to know what the outcome of any investigations were and it did not seen right that the diagnosis would be documented in his records and his family and possibly friends around him would be aware of his diagnosis whilst he was kept in the dark. I felt that if we were to visit on a regular basis that I would feel very uncomfortable knowing something that had been kept from him and possibly have to lie to him or avoid answering directly when asked difficult questions. I felt that I would be a ble to have a better relationship and understand the care he wanted if he was told the truth about his condition. I also felt that his family were taking denying him the right to autonomy and th right to make informed choices in his end of life care. Analysis The situation was complex in terms of ethical principles. It was not just a matter of clinical practices but providing the best holistic care to Bob during his forthcoming terminal illness. This situation gave rise to multi-disciplinary team discussions to assess whether the diagnosis should have been delivered to Bob. Standing back from the situation, I realize that my own feelings were perhaps judgmental and that I should have taken a more holistic approach rather than just clinical. It also made me aware of the importance of promoting advance directives to patients in situations where an illness may lead to terminal care Evaluation Today patient autonomy is a highly regarded principle that healthcare professionals promote at all times and is fundamental for all patient interactions of which telling the truth to a patient about their diagnosis and prognosis is part (Dimond 2005). Lo (2009) says to be totally autonomous competent patients have to be told the nature of their illness, recovery prospects, how their illness will develop, treatments available and the consequences of any such treatments to enable them to make an informed choice in order to grant consent to treatment of their choice or refuse treatment they do not want. However this has not always been the case, traditionally, paternalism, where the doctor alone would make a decision about whether or not to inform their patient of the diagnosis used to be the preferred method of treating and caring for patients (Lo B 2009). It is only over the past 20 years or so where it is the norm to share decision making with the patient to enable them to make informed choices in their preferred care and treatment (Boyle 1995). However not all patients want to know their prognosis or take part in their end of terminal treatment and care. A study which took place in 1995 concluded that some ethnic groups were less likely to approve of truth telling in respect of diagnosis than others (Blackwell 1995). The UK is culturally diverse and not all patients and families want or accept autonomy. When a person is sick in some cultures, the family prefers to take responsibility for the medical decisions and often wish to receive the diagnosis and nursing plan before the patient. Although this is often the case within Chinese and Japanese cultures, it does not automatically mean that the request to withhold diagnosis from the patient will be upheld. To add to this complex issue, there may be differences within these cultures, such as recent immigrants and older family members wishing to adhere to cultural traditions and younger family members wishing to practice autonomy (Lo B 2009). Advanced care directives definition are used to enable a person to have autonomy. These ethicalBarbosa da Silva (2002) defines an ethical dilemma as: A situation where a person experiences a conflict where he or she is obliged to perform two or more duties, but realizes that whoever action he or she chooses will be an ethically wrog one. Many experts agree healthcare professionals are faced with many ethical dilemmas when caring for terminally ill cancer patients. Communicating the diagnosis and subsequent prognosis is one of the most common (Kuupelomaki and Lauri 1998)(Roy and MacDonald 1998). It is not unusual for relatives to ask a Consultant to withhold information (Alexander et al 2006) which Kenworthy et al (2002) says family members request out of compassion and love. However, (2006) disagrees and suggests it is often the relatives who are unable to cope and have difficulty coming to terms with the impending prognosis. Dimond (2005) suggests withholding the truth can be harmful or lead to a conspiracy of silence but may be justifiable if it is in the patients best interest not to know. In agreement, Lo (2009) points out receiving bad news can have a negative and drastic effect on a patients view of their future. Nurses have a duty in accordance with their professional code of conduct to act as a patients advocate. Whatever their personal thoughts are in relation to withholding diagnosis from a patient, if the Consultant deems it in the best interest of the patient then a nurse has a duty to adhere to the Consultants decision (Dimond 2005).However Georges and Grypdonk 2002 suggest this can lead to nurses feeling powerless, frustrated and concern when involved in palliative care. Evidence suggests that if a Consultant establishes it is not advisable to inform the patient of the diagnosis or prognosis then it is right to give information to the family (Rumbold 2006). Dimond (2005) states patients have no legal rights to information and therefore if a Consultants believes it is in the best interest of the patient they can refuse to give a diagnosis to them. However, some would argue to withhold information would be considered paternalism (Lo B 2009). Paternalism is when an individual, in this case the Consultant, believes they are in a position to act in the best interest of another individual. Although Bobs welfare is key, the consultant has taken away his right to his autonomy to make future healthcare choices including important end of life decisions by making the decision not to inform him of his diagnosis (Sandman and Munthe 2010). Tingle and Cribb (2005) define this as hard paternalism as opposed to soft paternalism in which Bob would not have the capacity to make an informed decision regarding treatment and care following his diagnosis. The may be in beneficience to the patient but conflicts with autonomy. While considering the decision to not tell Bob the truth regarding his diagnosis, the consultant would have taken into account the ethical principles of beneficence (to do good) and non-malifience (to cause no harm) (Dimond 2005). In Rumbolds (2006) opinion it is wrong to not tell the truth or withhold information from a patient as it denies the patient autonomy and is in conflict with the ethical principles of beneficence and non-malificience. Research carried out by Sullivan (2001) suggests patients believe that Doctors should tell them the truth with a staggering ninety nine per cent of patients wanting to be informed of their diagnosis. However there is evidence to suggest the consultant was right to withhold diagnosis as it can initiate denial, and cause the patient psychological damage (Kenworthy et al 2002). Patients react differently to bad news and Elliott and Oliver (2007) suggests information should given slowly enabling the patient to have enough time to absorb the information given. Sadness, despair, anxiety and depression are feelings patients suffer when faced with life threatening illness. >believes that if healthcare professionals have an open and honest relationship with their patients it enables greater trust (Elliott and Oliver 2007). Bowers and Arnold (2010) agrees with this and adds that an open relationship based on trust enables healthcare professionals to support patients to be in control and make preferred choices with issues relating to their end of life care. However, Kenworthy, Snowley, Gilling (2002) are in disagreement with these statement say to force a patient into to face the trust regarding their diagnosis is both unethical wrong and damaging. Millard and Florin (2006) (nursingtimes) says that patients have different needs which can often be complex and it is important to recognise that some patients choose not be involved, that some individuals do not want to be part of their care but put their trust in health care professionals who are t rained in what they do. Elliott and Oliver (2007) states that a hope is fundamental to a terminally ill persons wellbeing and as such is something to be protected. She adds that hope of a cure whilst facing a terminal illness is an individuals right and helps them to face the final stages of life and points out that if hope is taken away it leaves a patient with only fear. Conclusion This experience has made me aware that good listening, hearing and communication skills are vital to gain a holistic view when dealing with patients and close ones in end of life care. It is also important to liaise with other members of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure that the best possible approach and care is delivered to the patient. It is important not to be judgemental but to incorporate all issues when taking a holistiv view in order to make the right decision. As this was my first experience of end of life care in the community, I was in unfamiliar surroundings and as such not experienced enough to make the right decision in Bobs case. The consultant was correct in determining that Bob was not in a position to accept a poor diagnosis and therefore withholding the information was the correct decision. Action Plan. My action plan is to promote advanced decision and power of attorney Assess holistically and taken into account I also feel than advance directives may have cleared some of this issues and will read about their importance in would have resolved some of this issues and read about their importance and promote their importance when the opportunity arises However, the circumstances surrounding this decision could only be applied to Bobs situation. I believe that as a Nurse I will be involved in ethical dilemmas again however I feel that now I my decisions will be based on each unique patient recognising their own individual needs and wants. Delegation This essay is a reflection of a situation I came across whilst on Community Placement. To assist with this process, Driscolls model of reflection will be used to focus my thought processes whilst learning. Driscolls is a straight forward model which encourages one to return to a situation to understand it better and improve future experiences (Driscoll 2000). To comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct (NMC) (2008) and protect the confidentiality of patients pseudonyms have been used throughout. As required by the first stage of Driscolls model I will describe the event s which took place whilst my mentor was on annual leave and I was assigned to Dianne, another district nurse within the community team. The reason I have decided to return to this situation is because registered nurses should ensure their practice does not compromise duty of care to individuals and at the time I felt that Dianne was delegating duties inappropriately and therefore may have been in breach of NMC requirements (NMC 2004). Whilst assigning the days work Dianne said that it would be a good opportunity for my personal development to go out unsupervised to visit patients within the area to carry out their care and treatment. I was asked to visit a 92 year old patient called Rose who the team visited on two or three times a week to treat a couple of problems. Firstly, she had ulcerated legs which the team were treating with four layer compression bandaging which evidence suggests is the best way to encourage venous return in order to maximise the healing process (OMeara et al 2009). Secondly she had a small sacrum sinus which was packed and redressed. Diannes request put me in an awkward position as I had visited Rose on a number of occasions with my mentor and with her supervision had been able to assess, treat and care for Roses problems appropriately with the exception of applying compression bandages as my mentor had explained to me were only to be applied by staff who had received appropriate training . I am keen to take advantage of any professional development opportunities and improve my clinical skills. However I felt that although I was able to manage most of the delivery of care to Rose as required by the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) applying the compression bandaging was outside my remit and would have been unsafe practice. My feelings were that Dianne was not doing this for my personal development but for her own personal reasons resulting in her abdicating her responsibilities. She did not ask me how I felt about attending patients without supervision or check I had the necessary clinical skills. With this in mind I agreed I would visit Rose, take down her dressings, assess and debride the wound, apply appropriate dressings and the first two layers of bandages. However I requested that Dianne called in after me to apply the compression bandages. Dianne did not appear to be very happy with my request but reluctantly agreed. When I arrived at Roses I introduced myself and explained the purpose of my visit and that Dianne would follow me to apply the compression bandages. I explained at each stage what I was doing, to put Rose at ease, remembering look up and face Rose, so that she could hear clearly what I was saying or read my lips and facial expression as she was partially deaf. As agreed with Dianne I took down the existing dressings, debrided and assessed the wound against the current wound care plan. The wound bed had reduced considerably and although an Inodine dressing had been applied previously, the wound had dried considerably and in my opinion did not require replacing. Therefore I telephone Dianne to let her know of my assessment and it was agreed to dress the wound with a simple NA dressing before bandaging. Whilst at Roses I took the opportunity to update the wound care plan and therefore documented the size of the wound, excudate, smell etc etc and documented all my findings and actions in the care plan. Whilst at Roses I also required to redress the sacral sinus in accordance with her care plan. When assessing the wound I noticed that although her skin was not broken, her sacrum was very red. I had also previously noticed that although she had a pressure cushion sitting on another chair I had never actually seen her sat on it. Therefore I took the opportunity to encourage her to become involved in promoting her own health and explained that her sacrum was very red and that as she sat for long periods of time, it was possibly that her skin would break down, which was why she had been issued with a pressure cushion. We discussed why she did not use the pressure cushion, she said that she did not find it very comfortable in her favourite chair, I explained the benefits of the pressure cushion and we agreed that she would sit in another chair with the pressure cushion in situ for a least part of the day and that we would discuss how she got on next time I visited. Before leaving Roses I documented my assessments, nursing interventions, evaluation and actions in her care plan. The second stage of Driscolls entitled now what will look at the chain of events which has led me to reflect on when it is appropriate to delegate care. Delegation involves entrusting and transferring a task or responsibility to another person who is able to accept responsibility for the task, typically one who is less senior than oneself (Sullivan and Decker 2005, Oxford dictionary 2011). However Wheeler (2004) argues that delegation and abdication amount to the same thing. On the other hand MacKenzie (1998) states that abdication is giving up either by abandonment or resignation and says that whilst delegation can offer potential benefits to both individuals and organisations, many nurses practice abdication which can be attributable to the current economic climate of underpaid and overstretched employees. Whilst I did appreciate that Dianne thought I was capable to deliver appropriate care to Rose I also suspected that she thought it she would have an easier day if she asked me to carry out the more routine and mundane tasks. The NMC standards of proficiency (2004) state whilst nurses should delegate care to others they should also accept responsibility and accountability for such delegation. As a registered nurse under the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) nurses have a duty of care to ensure that patients receive care in a safe and skilled manner. Dianne was not aware if I was competent or not to carry out compression bandaging as she had neither previously worked with me or questioned me about my clinical skills. In line with the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) I understand that I must work within the scope of my professional competence and it is for this reason I refused to apply the compression layer. It is important for organisations and individuations to delegate in order for them to develop and function resourcefully and successfully (Ellis and Hartley 2004). Effective Delegation requires skills in planning, analysis and self-confidence. The tasks to be delegated should be assessed, planned, communicated, implemented, monitored and evaluated (Royal College of Nursing 2006). In the UK, the rate of change is accelerating and the delivery of services are regularly restructured in an attempt to provide the most effective and efficient care to patients (Shepherd 2008). This environment has lead to the evolvement of work from junior doctors to nursing staff such as giving intravenous therapy and with the evolvement of nursing practitioners many agree that the role of the nurse is increasingly difficult to define as the boundaries are constantly changing (Shephard 2008, Spilbury and Meyer 2005, McKenna et al 2006). A study conducted by Ulster University condones that there is much ambiguity amongst the nursing role. It concluded that although nurses are happy with role extensions they have less patient contact as they would like. Some nurses like the role extension of technical jobs, however others see it at the menial tasks Doctors do not want to do (Allen 2002). However this was only a small survey of 26 nurses and therefore may not be a true representation of all RGNs (McKenna et al 2006). It can be assumed therefore that demands on nursing care at times are greater than RGNs can cope with, and therefore increasing expected to to delegate some tasks routinely, traditionally carried out by RGNs, such as personal care (Curtis and Nicholl 2004). Effective delegation can give RGNs more time for other activities which enables them to focus on doing fewer tasks well rather than many tasks poorly and offer HCAs the opportunity to become competent and improved confidence (Kourdi 1999). Shepherd (2008) articulates that it is important for these tasks to be defined and when devolved it should not be at the detriment to the patient. As a result health care assistant (HCA) roles have increased in both numbers and cope of activity undertaken and it is therefore important that all health care staff understand their roles and accountability in the delegation process. Health care staff need to work together in order for patients to receive safe and effective care from the most appropriate personnel (Pearcey 2007). However some nurses find it difficult to relinquish any part of their role and find it difficult to delegate (Wheeler 2004) Zimmerman (1996) suggests this might be because some nurses were trained before delegation skills were required. However Nicholl and Curtis (2004) state that delegation is not an art and but a nursing skill which can be learned and is becoming increasing important in changing times. Delegation also enables health care professionals to train in new skills and broaden their skill range. However Wheeler argues that some could abuse their power of delegation for example to provide themselves with extra breaks while their subordinates may have to forfeit theirs to complete additional tasks. Or one nurse could favour a subordinate resulting in some always receiving more appealing tasks than others. Delegation is a complex process and to successfully delegate consideration should be given to both existing workload and skill mix of staff should be known. Delegation of too many tasks may result in loss of control, but failing to delegate may lead to one member of staff being overwhelmed, overworked and can lead to incompletion of duties and de-motivated and un-cooperative team. Most HCAs give personal care due to the fact they are usually more available than RGNS. Many studies have indicated that RGNS favour the employment of HCAs (McKenna and Hansson 2002). However the MIDRIS (2001) study suggests that care provided by HCAS is task based and fragmented. There are many pros and cons for delegating tasks. Detailed Job Descriptions (JD) may result in staff being reluctant to take on new responsibilities that are not specified on their JD. Others will be reluctant and believe if you want a job done properly do it yourself. This can inhibit delegation leading to nurses being overworked stressed with little job satisfaction (Kourdi 1999). On the other hand Wheeler (2001) suggests effective delegation encourages staff to have a better understanding and be able to influence the way in which work is carried out. She also says that by participating in decision-making it will increase motivation, morale and ultimately job performance enabling the organisation to become more flexible and responsive to change. Effective delegation will enable a business to move forward as new ideas and viewpoints will be encourage and it will better prepare nurses to be able to cope when career opportunities arise (Wheeler 2001). Delegation frees up time to enable a nurse to carry out other duties which cannot be delegated. Although at first the time saved might me minimal once the HCA becomes proficient more time will become available. Fewer tasks are better than many that are inefficient (Kourdi 1999). In order to delegate effectively it important to decide which task to delegate , select the best person to carry out that task, assessing the task in detail and offer clearly the level of authority associated with it, , check the skills and experience of the delegates, follow the task process and assess and discuss the progress (Curtis and Nicholl 2004). Cohen suggests it is right to delegate in order to carry out an organisations needs as long as certain criteria is met such as right task, right circumstance, right person right communication and right supervision. The third stage, of the Driscolls reflection model requires what can be done differently in the future and what actions to be taken. Dianne was right to delegate the more junior tasks in order to ensure the fewer tasks she had were carried out more effectively. However should have verified my competence prior to delegating. If she had communicated with me effectively to assess my competence I would not have felt awkward having to point out that I did not have the skills to carry out compression bandaging and only practice within my capabilities (NMC 2008). In the future in such a situation I would not do anything differently as I believe I have a responsibility for practicing within my own capabilities in line with the NMC Code of Conduct (2008). Had I been a permanent member of staff I would have asked for compression training, however this would have been impractical as I was on placement for only a short period of time. When I qualify this situation I will be aware that I am ultimately responsible for the care of patients even when tasks are delegated to HCAs. I will also ensure that I do not delegate anything that involves critical thinking skills such as nursing assessments, planning and evaluation of patient care and nursing judgement. (take off 90 for references)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Evaluation of Booz Allen Hamilton Cybersecurity Essay -- Cyber Solutio

Introduction During the process of analyzing an organizations effectiveness to manage cybersecurity risks, there are ranges of security policies that need to be implemented. A prime example of this concept is the cybersecurity policies developed for consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. The direct division formed to address the firm’s requirements within cyberspace is the Cyber Solution Network (CSN). The CSN division within Booz Allen Hamilton has a range of policies used to ensure the firm is protected against risk. Cybersecurity Policy Best Practices The use of cybersecurity policies within CSN is to provide security of the divisions assets. The written policies provide guidance on implementation, through references to applicable standards and statements of best practices (Booz Allen Hamilton, 2012). As stated by Control Data Corporation, there is no asset which can be 100% secure; network security is often times focused on strategic prevention or reactive procedures, rather than examination of the security policy and maintaining the operation of it (1999). Therefore analysis indicates that numerous breaches are often due to reoccurring weaknesses in the policy. â€Å"Even the most reliable, state-of-the-art technologies can be undermined or rendered ineffective by poor decisions, or by weak operational practices† (Control Data Corporation, 1999, p. 3). The analysis conducted by Control Data Corporation (1999), provides a quality, and precise assessment of adhering to cybersecurity policy. This analysis is organized into several different categories: 1) The Natural Weaknesses of Security Policy The recognition of natural weaknesses is critical for Booz Allen Hamilton’s Cyber Security Network unit. The action of neglectin... ...n of its assets. Works Cited Booz Allen Hamilton (2012). Booz Allen cyber solution network. Retrieved from Booz Allen Hamilton (2011, October 1). Lab Governance Policy. Retrieved from Control Data Corporation. (1999). Why security policies fail. Retrieved from Kabay, M. E., & Robertson, B. (2009). Security policy guidelines. In S. Bosworth, M. E. Kabay, & E. Whyne (Eds.), Computer security handbook (5th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. NIST. U.S. Department of Commerce, (2009). National institute of standards and technology sp 800-53. Retrieved from website:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Three Passions Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The three passions that have dictated the direction of my life have been sports, friends and family. My first passion, sports, has guided me through temptations such as drugs and dropping out of school and has kept me on the right track. My second passion, much the same as my first has helped to deflect the many temptations of life. It is my friends who have stuck with me through the ups and downs and it is to them that I owe much of what I am today. My third and strongest passion is my family, and more specifically my father. He brought me up as a single father when my mother wanted nothing to do with me; he fought to give me what he could and it is to him that I owe everything.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sports, my first passion, has been instrumental i...

The Common Man’s Impact on The Revolution :: American America History

The Common Man’s Impact on The Revolution As I began to research this paper I soon realized that the topic I was looking on would be difficult because of the aspect I was attempting to look at it from. I wanted to see everything from the eyes of those who remained undocumented by the history books. But if I’m looking for something that isn’t there, how on Earth can I find it? I turned to my paragraphs to show me the light. George Hewes was a lowly shoemaker in Boston in the pre-revolution years, and was written about by Alfred Young. But what did the author leave out, and why was he biased towards the young patriot. Alfred Young is a well-known writer on the topics of the Revolution, and events leading up to. He wrote a essay called â€Å"The Shoemaker and The Revolution†, about George Hewes and the affects this man made on the revolution. One of the first things you notice about the essay is the title itself, which uses the specific title of â€Å"shoemaker† for Hewes, to catch your attention. He pays specific care to the details and even uses the examples of two actual colonial time writers: James Hawkes and Benjamin Thatcher, who both at one point interviewed Hewes. He remains almost totally unbiased in his paper because he chooses only to tell the story of Hewes and the adventures he lived in his home-town of Boston. When I started this project I had no idea what paragraphs I was going to use, and actually randomly picked some out when we were told we had five minutes left to e-mail them. After reading over the pages I picked I decided to do two paragraphs from one essay written by Young, that asks the questions I wanted to ask, and then another one on Hewes because he is a primary interest of mine. He shows that it is true, that even the smallest person in a revolution has their affect.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Operation Management Case

1. The R&D department is planning to bid on a large project for the development of a new communication system for commercial planes.The accompanying table shows the activities, times, and sequences required: |Activity |Immediate Predecessor |Time (weeks) | |A |- |3 | |B |A |2 | |C |A |4 | |D |A |4 | |E |B |6 | |F |C, D |6 | |G |D, F |2 | |H |D |3 | |I |E, G, H |3 | a. Construct the appropriate network diagram. (10 points) [pic] [pic] b. What is the project completion time? A-C-F-G-I OR A-D-F-G-I =3+4+6+2+3=18 WEEKS . Suppose you want to shorten the completion time as much as possible, and you have the following options each at an additional cost of $1500: 1) Reduce activity C by one week; 2) Reduce activity D by one week; 3) Reduce activity G by one week; If you will save $2000 for each week that the earliest completion time is reduced, which option, if any, would you choose? (10 points) C, D, G are good options to choose, and the cost are less than $2000. 2. The following table repr esents a plan for a project: | |Time Estimates (days) | |Job No. Predecessor Job(s) |Optimistic |Most likely |Pessimistic | |1 |- |2 |3 |4 | |2 |1 |1 |2 |3 | |3 |1 |4 |5 |12 | |4 |1 |3 |4 |11 | |5 |2 |1 |3 |5 | |6 |3 |1 |2 |3 | |7 |4 |1 |8 |9 | |8 |5, 6 |2 |4 |6 | |9 |8 |2 |4 |12 | |10 |7 |3 |4 |5 | |11 |9, 10 |5 |7 |8 | a. Construct the appropriate network diagram. (10 points) [pic][pic] b. Which jobs can be delayed without delaying the entire project? (10 points) The critical path is 1-4-7-10-11, thus, the job could be delayed are 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 c. What is the expected completion time for the project? (20 points) |Job No. |a |m |b |ET |AV | 1 |2 |3 |4 |3 |0. 33 | |2 |1 |2 |3 |2 |0. 33 | |3 |4 |5 |12 |6 |1. 33 | |4 |3 |4 |11 |5 |1. 33 | |5 |1 |3 |5 |3 |0. 67 | |6 |1 |2 |3 |2 |0. 33 | |7 |1 |8 |9 |7 |1. 33 | |8 |2 |4 |6 |4 |0. 67 | |9 |2 |4 |12 |5 |1. 67 | |10 |3 |4 |5 |4 |0. 33 | |11 |5 |7 |8 |6. 83 |0. 50 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | d. Is the probability tha t the project will take less than 27 days to complete larger than 50% or smaller than 50%? (10 points)

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

C. S Lewis wrote the novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe initially for his Goddaughter in order to keep her in touch with Christianity. What Lewis did not realize is that many adults would also enjoy the fantasy children’s novel as well. The narrative is filled with mythical creatures, humorous moments, and suspenseful situations. Although many events and characters seem improbable, the four children in the book—Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy—are realistically portrayed as well-rounded characters with individual strengths and faults. Although the novel is recognized as a children’s fantasy book, it is also popular with adults as the story contains bits of modern culture, vivid descriptions of violence and is heavy on Christian allegory. As much as the readers enjoy the magical land of Narnia, 21st century life is not exactly full of Dryads, Naiads and Fauns frolicking and feasting in the summer woods. By contrast, in today’s children’s fantasy novels, not every injustice is punished, and not all the good people live happily ever after: some of them die, because that is reality. Between school shootings, gang violence and child abuse is seems as though reality is thousands of miles away from the fantasy of complete and total justice in Narnia. What readers of all ages can relate to, however, is betrayal. For example, spouses who cheat, employees who steal from their employers, and friends who tell lies. This modern idea of betrayal is where readers from any age can relate to the novel. In the narrative, Edmund’s first betrayal is a small but unpleasant one: â€Å"Up to that moment Edmund had been feeling sick, and sulky, and annoyed with Lucy for being right, but he hadn't made up his mind what to do. When Peter suddenly asked him the question he decided all at once to do the meanest and most spiteful thing he could think of. He decided to let Lucy down† (Lewis 48). Edmund lies about his trip to Narnia in order to make himself look superior in the eyes of his older siblings. This small cruelty will pave the way for his greater betrayal further in the story. Readers of any age can connect with the modern culture of betrayal in the novel, where minimal details are explored that over time lead to Edmund turning his back on his siblings. This novel features an odd mix of childish adventure and bloody battles. Young children who read this story enjoy the fairy-tale aspects, while older readers can appreciate the repetition of scenes in which the children are often comforted by the sudden availability of tea, and the way the forces of good seem to always outweigh the evil. The use of violence throughout the novel deals strictly with fantasy for children, where it is mainly used for excitement. On the other hand, for older readers the violence in the novel can be seen as consequential where extreme force is used as simply last resort. For example, as the head of the forces of evil, the White Witch is not playing a long hand when she exclaims, â€Å"Summon all our people to meet me here as speedily as they can. Call out the giants and the werewolves and the spirits of those trees who are on our side. Call the Ghouls, and the Boggles, the Ogres and the Minotaurs. Call the Cruels, the Hags, the Spectres, and the people of the Toadstools. We will fight† (Lewis 149) There are many different creatures in Narnia that follow the White Witch and she merely acts as their stone cold captain. This quote explores evil where it is not an isolated incident in Narnia – it is the idea of violence and commands a great deal of power. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe functions as a spiritual allegory where one does not have to be too familiar with the Bible to recognize some of the key characters and themes. Without doubt, Aslan represents Jesus Christ, and also God himself, whereas the White Witch represents Satan. Narnia, where the adventure happens, visibly represents the Kingdom of God. Clearly there is no direct retelling of any of the Bible stories; however, readers can find elements taken and redistributed for younger readers. In addition, having this biblical reality come to life is important to ensure a committed Christian lifestyle not only for children, but also for adults. For instance, when Edmund arrives in Narnia alone, he immediately meets the White Witch where he is tempted with the enchanted Turkish Delight and the promise of becoming a prince of Narnia. The White Witch explains to Edmund, â€Å"I think I would like to make you the Prince – some day, when you bring the others to visit me† (Lewis 40). Succumbing to temptation is a very powerful theme in the Bible, where Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness with promises of great power. Not only does Lewis restate certain events in the life of Jesus in a context that is easy to understand, most importantly, readers of all ages can both relate to and enjoy the fantasy of Narnia. An understanding of the modern reality, use of violence and Biblical allegory in the novel is essential in satisfying both younger and older readers. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has already established itself as a timeless novel that appeals to both the atheists and Christians, the uneducated and to scholars, and lastly to children and adults. In addition to being a children’s fantasy book, it is an adventure story in which the heroes set out on a quest to recover their kidnapped friend and end up ruling the land. An analysis of this narrative, however, allows readers of any age to fully appreciate Lewis’ unique gift to simplify complex ideas and craft beautiful children’s fantasies. Thus, this allows the reader of any age group to gain a deeper understanding of Lewis as a skilled creative writer and a deeper satisfaction of his artwork, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Developmental time Essay

The time taken in the development of Automated office systems support varies with the approach employed. Other factors inherent of an organization also play an important part in the determination of the total time the organization will take in coming up with a new system (Tapscott, 1998). The developmental time can be viewed in two contexts; the time taken in building an Automated office systems support and the time taken in buying an off-shelf Automated office systems support. The time taken in building a new Automated office systems support is generally larger than that taken in buying (Tapscott, 1998). Moreover, the factors that are influential on the overall time taken in building are more compared to those in buying. The total time taken in building is influenced by internal and external factors which include; the availability of resources, the organization and coordination of all those involved in the implementation of the project. The level and the availability of the required expertise within the organizations working environment is a consideration. The availability of the required software and hardware components necessary in coming up with Automated office systems support is fundamental. The software and the hardware components must be as per the required functionality set by the organization needs. Change in government policies and market trends may greatly affect the availability of the required components and thus have an effect n the developmental time (Tapscott, 1998). In addition the needs of the users often change with time and this may require the modification of components that are already in place which lead to delay. The time taken in buying a new system is highly dependent on external factors that are not within the control of the organization (Tapscott, 1998). In most cases organizations lose time in this stage for reasons that are not within their reach or control. Buying as a process requires a well established resource base and a good legal framework to fully engage the system as a whole (Kenyon, 2001). The market conditions are influential on the speed of purchase and thus very important in the determination of the total developmental time. The actual location of an organization is also important in evaluating the total buying time. An organization in an urban setting find it easy to buy software and hardware components as the availability and cost associated with their purchase is small compared to those in a rural setting. Personnel This is also one of the most overlooked factors (Kenyon, 2001). In consideration of the personnel, decision on whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support requires company wide consultation (Kenyon, 2001). As organizations analyses their resources they must determine what they have and the needed personnel required for the implementation of the Automated office systems support. The organization should determine the number of available technical staff available for the support. If organizations lack or anticipate a lack of personnel, they must decide on when and where the required staff will be obtained from, which may involve the determination of the cost of the support (Kenyon, 2001). Money Money is an important consideration in strategic development as it affects the nature of the budget. A limited or unlimited budget has a great bearing on the choice of whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support (Katzan, 2002). In consideration of the budget both individuals and organizations must consider the short and long term benefits that will be accrued by the implementation of either methods. This may also involve the analysis of the effects of the non-implementation of the alternative. The importance of money is such that without it the project is non-existent (Levy, 2001). Therefore, organization are required to accurately estimate their resource requirements before a decision on whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support is made. The cost involved in both cases have to be estimated and any other factors that may affect the estimated cost determined. Moreover, since all factors can never be determined accurately, including a contingency or escape plan in the formulation of the original policy will ensure that the organization is well prepared for any eventuality (Kenyon, 2001). The effect of money on the total time taken also depends on the government policies, market and industry condition that can affect the availability of resources especially money (Carter, 1999). Expected change in areas that currently affect the availability of funds largely determines the feasibility of the project in future. The availability of additional funding and all the factors that affect it, which may include legal and political issues all play important roles.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pain in the Chain

Exceso is a hypothetical company taken from a Harvard Case Study. In reference to the four assigments we want to present our analyze. The Case study describes the situation of Exceso, which is a manufacture and the supply chain of Exceso. The Situation shows that they are obviously in trouble. In the following we try to summarize their problems. As the manufacture in the supply chain they have many different problems. It seems to be that they have over-ambitious sales targets, which affected the whole supply chain process. Furthermore Exceso heavily discounting their products in order to increase their customer base.Perhaps that leads to more trouble in the next period. â€Å"If we go with deeper discounts, we’ll move more product. Duh! But it’s not going to sell through. It’ll end up in their warehouse. We know that. † This quotation shows that Exceso could have problem to increase their turnover in the next period because the market is saturated. Based o n your analysis we want to offer some solutions in order to improve the situation of Exceso. We try to provide a suggestion on an optimal supply chain design. As a start Exceso have to change their output obsessed outlook and shall adhere to their customers’ demands.All participants in the supply chain have to work together. They need a collaborative, planning system. This involve a strong tie relationship between Exceso and their distributors. Furthermore they have to work out a shared interest business plan. They have to amalgamate their forecasts, where possible. Finally they need a demand-based product mix planning. How could be this aims be achieved? What is necessary to be done for implementing your suggestion? In our opinion they could implement an electronic data interchange system (EDI) for example a supplier – portal based on an internet-platform.EDI is very useful in the supply chain because it helps to structure the information flow. Moreover the communicat ion with EDI leads to more speed in which trading partner receives and incorporates the information in comparison to paper documents. Likewise it could reduce errors such as shipping an billing errors. Finally it will hopefully keep disparities between over- and underproduction to a minimum. Sharing information could replace high stocks and perhaps they are able to handle increasing demands.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Modern innovation applications (Sony) Coursework

Modern innovation applications (Sony) - Coursework Example It is by means of new combinations of existing factors of production, embodied in new combinations of existing factors of production, embodied in new plants and, typically, new firms producing either new commodities, or by a new, i.e. as yet untried, method, or for a new market, or by buying means of production in a new market. What we, unscientifically, call economic progress means essentially putting productive resources to uses hitherto untried in practice, and withdrawing them from the uses they have served so far. This is what we call 'innovation.".Innovation is a premise prevailing in modern business with different concepts and labels. Now innovation is not only changing the appearance of things, its some thing deep inside the products, organizations and markets.This comparative study is aimed at reflecting innovation portfolio of modern business by discovering different facets of modern business including product management, implementing it as corporate philosophy and exercisi ng the whole process in different geographical markets differently.Business world has evolved from the phase where breaking the mould philosophy was the extreme success of innovation. Innovativeness is boundary less and all business empires try to battle their product, marketing, and market place issues in their own way, i.e., their innovative ways.This report covers the whole discussion and research is in different parts of the text content. Step by step coverage goes in a logical manner i.e., innovation defined, modern philosophy of innovation, and different perspectives of innovation in business world with various variables. Next part of report is grouped in three portions; seemingly separate three parts but discussing the oneness of innovation in three ways for one Business Empire. These three steps are Product innovation, Organization innovation and Geographical or market place innovation. Product selected is Walkman, company is Sony and geographical place is USA. In short the report covers innovative spheres applied by one company in developing product, in organization and it marketing the same product in a different market place. Report, though reflects various innovative approaches, and reviews the whole process from 'Open Innovation' concept. "The creative act is not an act of creation in the sense of the Old Testament. It does not create something out of nothing; it uncovers, selects, re-shuffles, combines, synthesizes already existing facts, ideas, faculties, skills. The more familiar the parts, the more striking the new whole. Man's knowledge of the changes of the tides and the phases of the moon is as old as his observation that apples fall to earth in the ripeness of time. Yet the combination of these and other equally familiar data in Newton's theory of gravity changed mankind's outlook on the world". (Koestler - 1964): Task 1: Case Example: Product, Process or Strategic Innovation: Case Example: In March 2007, Sony extended the Video Walkman brand by launching its first digital, flash-based video Walkman, the NW-A800. Walkman is a very popular Sony brand used to market its portable audio players, and is synonymously used to refer to the original Walkman portable personal stereo player and as a generic term for similar devices from other manufacturers. The original Walkman introduced a change in music listening habits, allowing people to carry their own choice of music with them. The original Walkman was released in 1979 as the Walkman in Japan and Soundabout abroad. The device was created by audio division engineer Nobutoshi Kihara for Sony co-chairman Morita, who wanted to be able to listen to operas during his frequent transpacific plane trips. (Hormby) Morita hated the Walkman name so much that he asked it to be changed. But he was told by junior executives that a promotion campaign had

Thursday, September 12, 2019

CRJ 330 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRJ 330 questions - Essay Example Crime rate in countries such as Japan and Saudi Arabia is relatively low compared to other countries in the world. This is partly because of their effective justice system. Other countries try and borrow and apply such systems in their country. Of course not everything is applicable in another country so they don’t copy paste other country’s systems but analyze it first. The term globalization means the increased relationships among communities all over the world in terms of culture and economic activities. The effect of globalization on crime is that it has made it easier for criminals such as money launders and drug traffickers to go across nations. This is because they have taken advantage of the ease of crossing borders in the name of business. Consequently this has led to formation of a worldwide organization on criminal justice. Knowing the trend of crime in other countries and comparing them will help us understand and predict crime in any other countries. We can be able to control crime based on statistics and make fair judgments based on similar cases in different countries. Different countries have different types of crimes. Others have similar crimes but the way they are committed and the motives behind the crime are different. For example we can have a certain number of murder cases in two different cities equal, but this does not mean that the two are equally dangerous. One may be because of domestic issues and the other due to robbery. Some of the major reasons for the high rate of violent crimes in USA are illegal drugs and alcohol, poverty and low economic growth especially in ghettos, ineffective justice system due to bureaucratic incompetence and corruption, and social inequality. In Japan they have a strict culture when it comes to crime. Most people avoid crime due to fear of conviction. Another factor that contribute to low rate of crime in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Paper on Elder Abuse Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Elder Abuse - Research Paper Example They may not see or hear also or sense as clearly as they used to, leaving chances for immoral people to get benefit from them. Psychological or physical disorders may make them more demanding companions for those who live with them. A large number of elders all over the United States are   being abused: harmed in some considerable way often by people who are directly liable for their care. Over half a million accounts of abuse against elderly Americans get to concerned authorities each year, and millions more cases go unheard. Elder abuse is likely to occur where the senior resides; most frequently within the home where abusers are likely to be grown person; other relatives, for instance, grandchildren; or spouses of elders. Institutional situations particularly continuing care services can as well be sources of elder abuse. Every year many older individuals are badly treated, ignored, as well as subjugated. Several sufferers are people who are elder, weak, as well as defenseless and cannot help themselves and rely heavily on others to meet even their most fundamental requirements. Abusers of elder people are both males and females, and may be relatives, friends, or â€Å"trusted others† (Ulsperger & Knottnerus, 2010). Executors of elder abuse can incorporate any person in a position of dependence, power or influence. Family members, neighbors and associates, are all collectively known as relations of dependence, whether the older adult really consider people as reliable or not. A number of perpetrators may groom an older person by building a bond with them, with the intention of establishing a bond of dependence. Older people staying unaccompanied who have no grown children living near are mainly susceptible to ‘grooming’ by neighbors and friends who would look forward to to get control of their assets. The greater part of abusers is family members, usually the older adult's spouse or offspring, even though the form of abuse varies in ac cordance with the relationship. In several circumstances, â€Å"the abuse is domestic violence grown old, a situation in which the abusive behavior of a spouse or partner continues into old age† (Sandell & Hudson, 2010). During the year 2006, â€Å"the International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) selected June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)† (Sandell & Hudson, 2010) and a growing number of events are organized around the globe on this day to increase knowledge of elder abuse, and draw attention towards ways to confront such abuse. Types of elder abuse Physical abuse Physical elder abuse is non-accidental use of strength against an aged individual that causes physical hurt, wound, or injury. This sort of abuse incorporates not just physical attacks such as beating or pushing but the unsuitable use of medicines, restraints, or detention. Emotional abuse In emotional or psychosomatic elder abuse, people talk to or treat aged individuals in wa ys that become reason for emotional hurt or grief. Verbal types of emotional elder abuse consist of threatening by shouting or warnings, dishonor and ridicule, and usual blaming or ‘scapegoating’. Nonverbal emotional elder abuse can take the shape of disregarding the elderly individual, separating an elder from associates or activities, and frightening or intimidating the elderly person. Disregard or rejection from caregivers Elder disregard, failure to carry out a caretaking responsibility, forms over half of all reported cases of elder abuse. It can be active (also known as